Ginseng Extract (Asian, Chinese, Korean (Panax ginseng),
General Description: A shrub 3-4 feet tall with spiny shoots and grey or brownish bark. Grows in Asia and is considered the strongest. American ginseng is milder and less stimulating. It grows form Canada to Georgia and takes 6 years to produce a marketable root.
Part Used: Root and leaves
improves concentration
combat fatigue, thus improves energy
stress relief
improve LDL & HDL levels
raise and lower BP
hot flashes
night sweats
mood swings
prevent platelet aggregation
improve immune system
stress incontinence
Action: Main components are ginsenosides or panaxosises. They produce CNS depression or CNS stimulation. There are complex chemical components in the root, and thus they produce opposing effects.
100-300 mg/day/divided
Dried roots: - 2-4 grams
Tincture (1:5) - 10-20 ml.
Precaution/Adverse Effects: Can produce diarrhea, sleep disturbance, headache, hypertension, skin rash, increase bleeding in postmenopausal women, and can cause a decreased diuretic effect.
Since ginseng is highly notable for being mislabeled, it is not known whether ginseng itself or its contaminants is the cause for adverse effects.
Drug Interactions: Warfarin
Phenelzine (MAOIs)
Digitalis toxicity
Hormone therapy
Contraindication: Do not use concurrently with caffeine, estrogen-dependent malignancies (Breast cancer), menses, acute illness, hypertension, schizophrenia and mania. Pregnancy, lactating, and children. (no studies)
Nursing Considerations:
Most important is that there are various forms of ginseng. Depending on the components of ginseng root, the effects will be different. Also, ginseng is frequently adulterated or mislabeled and varying constitutions of the product has been found.
Caffeine and ephedrine had sometimes been added, as well as Phenylbutazone or aminopyrine.
Warn patients that ginseng and warfarin may both increase or decrease coagulations. Monitor clotting times routinely.
Ginseng causes hypoglycemia and diabetics blood sugar levels must be monitored.
Over the 400 studies that have been done on ginseng, some provide unreliable results and have inadequate study design and control.
Approximately 6 million American use ginseng regularly.
Hawthorn berry Extract(Crataegus pinnatifida Bge.)

General Description: Spiny tree, may grow 15-18 ft. tall, producing white flowers from April to June with red fruit.
Part Used: leaves and fruit.
increase coronary circulation by dilating coronary vessels
reduces inflammation and pain in arthritis
mild diuretic
Action: Contain active pigments called flavonoids that inhibit vasoconstriction and dilate blood vessels. They also cause sedative effects, depressing the CNS.
Dosage: Berries - 3-5 gms, as infusion
Tincture - (1:5) 4-5 ml
Fluid extract (1:1) - 1-2 ml.
Powder - 200-500 mg 3/times/day
Precautions/Adverse Effects: Use cautiously in hypertensive patients. Rare, however can produce sleeplessness, dizziness, headache, palpitation, and nausea.
Interactions with Drugs: Do not use with: coronary vasodilators, cardiovascular drugs, CNS depressants and digoxin.
Contraindications : with use of other concomitant use of herbs containing cardiac glycosides, like hemp roots, hedge mustard, motherwort, etc. Also those herbs containing cardioactive products like ginger, ginseng, devil's claw, etc. Contraindicated in pregnancy due to potential uterine activity.
Nursing Considerations:
Warn patients that it could take up to 2 weeks to acquired an observable effect.
Because hawthorn potentates the action of cardiac glycosides, patients should not use concurrently unless under medical supervision.
Do not self-medicate until further studies have been done to prove effective in treating and preventing atherosclerosis.
Heart disease should be diagnosed and monitored by a health care provider.
Hawthorn offers some advantages over digoxin in mild heart failure because it has a wider therapeutic range, lower risk of dosage errors, less arrhythmogenic potential, and less renal impairment. However, more research is warranted.
Nettle Extract (Urtical dioica L.)

Nettle Extract (Urtical dioica L.)
Silica 1% by UV
β- Sitosterol 0.8% by GC
General Description: A perennial that is native to Europe, but is naturalized throughout the United States and Canada.
Part Used: roots and Whole herb
treatment of BPH
wound healing
allergic rhinitis & cough
Action: It contains steroidal and phenolic substances.
Dosage: Adult daily dose of root for BPH is 4-6g
Tea- 4g herb in hot water 3-4x daily
Capsules of 150-300 mg for allergic rhinitis
Tincture - 1/4 to 1 teaspoon up to twice a day
Precautions/Adverse Effects: Can cause topical irritation following direct contact with exposed skin. Rare gastrointestinal disturbances, oliguria and edema.
Contraindications: Cardiac and renal disease. Pregnancy/Lactating women. Also use cautiously in older adults over the age of 65.
Nursing Considerations:
Tell patients with diabetes do not use nettle, it causes poor glycemic control.
It does not produce enough diuresis to reduce the edema associated with heart failure or to reduce blood pressure.
Eat foods high in potassium, such as bananas, and fresh vegetables.
If nettle is rubbed against the skin, can cause burning for up to 12 hours, wash with soap and water
St. John's Wort Extract (Hypericum perforatum)

General Description: A shrubby perennial plant with yellow flowers, native to Europe but now grows in many parts of the world.
Parts Used: Flower
mild to moderate depression (not major)
2nd & 3rd degree burns
AIDS (inhibiting the spread)
anti-viral against herpes 1& 2
antibacterial against gram positive and negative
pain associated with arthritis and sciatica
mood swings
MS, fibromyalgia and neuromuscular inflammations
Action: Active ingredient is hypericin. Acts as a SSRI, keeps serotonin active in the brain. Suppresses interleukin 6, releasing affecting mood through neurohormonal pathways. Also produces, antiviral, anti-inflammatory anti-microbial and astringent properties.
Dosage: 300mg 3 times/day with meals, no more than 8 weeks.
Tincture: 1:2, 2-4 mls 3 times/day For wounds: use a tincture and cover with gauze or bandage.
Precautions/Adverse Effects: Photoxicity, headache, nervousness, fatigue, restlessness, mania and SSRI syndrome
Interactions with other Drugs: Antidepressants (SSRIs, tricyclics, MAOI's), Caffeine, Theophylline, concurrent use of antibiotics, Dopamine agonists, OTC cough and cold remedies, sleep aids, AIDS medicine - Indinavir by decreasing the effectiveness.
Interactions with other herbs: yohimbe, feverfew, ma haung, ginseng.
Contraindications: Fair skin with sun exposure, severe depression, mania, seizures, migraines, and Pregnancy/Lactation/Children.
Nursing Considerations:
Individuals should consult a health care provider to be evaluated for depression.
Wear sunscreen due to phototoxicity.
Do not use OTC medications with alcohol and St. John's Wort.
Do not use prior to surgery.
Current Research: In 1998, the National Institutes of Health began a 3-year study to investigate the efficacy of St. John's wort for the treatment of major depressive disorders. This study compares the extract of St. John's wort with a SSRI and placebo. In 1999, another study was started. This study is currently recruiting patients. It is entitled "Drug Interaction Study of Tegretol (Carbamazepine) and St John's Wort in Normal Volunteers".
Echinacea Purpurea Extract (Echinacea Purpurea L.)

Echinacea Purpurea Extract (Echinacea Purpurea L.)
Cichoric Acid 4% BY HPLC
Polyphenols 4% BY UV
General Description: Perennial herb of the daisy family.
Part Used: aerial portion and root
treat infections
common cold
wound healing
may increase WBC’s in persons undergoing chemotherapy
lower urinary tract infection.
Action: Immunomodulators (positive and negative clinical trials). Cytotoxic activity against tumor cells, antioxidant, stimulates bone marrow macrophages, and WBC production. Mild antibacterial properties. Little of no effect on normal immune response in healthy patients.
Dosage: 6-9 mls of juice
2-5 g of dried root used for no more than 6-8 weeks.
Precautions: Minimal side effects have been reported. Can produce nausea. May cause liver toxicity with other liver toxic drugs
Contraindications: Immunosusppressed patients, infectious or autoimmune diseases; Lupus, HIV, TB. Also, diabetics and those who have allergies to the daisy family of plants. Safety during pregnancy has not been studied.
Nursing Considerations:
Instruct patients not to use more than 6-8 weeks
Any form of Echinacea, dried roots, freeze-dried plants can be effective
Do not use concurrently with antibiotics
Black Cohosh Extract (Cimicifuga Racemosa)

General Description: A member of the buttercup family, producing small white flowers.
Part Used: Rhizome
stress incontinence
excessive menstrual bleeding
hot flashes
vaginal dryness
painful menstruation
muscle spasms
general pain
Action: Suppressing luteinizing hormone, anti-inflammatory and mimetics estrogen.
Tincture 10-60 drops/day
Powdered root or tea: 1-2 grams
40-200 mg daily, use no more than 6 months
Precautions/Adverse Reactions: Hypertension, increased bleeding during menopause, headaches and rare stomach upset.
Contraindications: Do not use in pregnancy during 1st two trimesters. Do not give to children May or may not be safe with use of estrogen, more research is needed. No adverse reactions have been reported. The German Commission E does not contraindicate its use during lactation.
Nursing Considerations:
Black cohosh can potentate antihypertensive drugs thus increasing hypotension if both are used.
If women are on estrogen replacement, black cohosh may interfere with replacement therapy.
Maximum effect may take up to 4 weeks.
Black cohash is sometimes used by herbalist with blue cohash.
A recent report sites after the use of black and blue cohash together, a baby was born with asphyxia, leading to brain damage. The German Commission E recommends that black cohosh only be used for 6 months, until further testing.
Astragalus Extract (Astragalus membranaceus)

Angelica Root Extract (Angelica sinensis)

CAS#: 8015-64-3
General Description: An aromatic root used in Oriental Medicine. It is considered in Chinese medicine as the yin. Most all-purpose herb for women.
Part Used: Root and rhizomes
hot flashes
high blood pressure
emotional discord
GI upset
Action: Produces antispasmodic effects, vasodilation, pain relief, anti-inflammatory, relaxes smooth muscle and estrogen effects ( some studies refute).
Tincture of fresh or dried roots, 10-40 drops, 1-3/day
Dried roots as infusion up to 250ml/day
Precautions/Adverse Reactions: Can be photosensitizing . May experience a laxative effect or bloating. Can cause breast tenderness.
Contraindications: Do not use in pregnancy or during lactation. The essential oil contains safrole that is carcinogenic in animals and has been banned by the FDA.
Nursing Considerations:
Do not use with Coumadin.
Watch for bleeding and fever.
Limit sun exposure due to photosensitizing properties
Use cautiously with ASA.
Cinnamon Bark Extract ( Cinnamomum cassia Presl)

1.Flavnones 20% UV
2.Polyphenols 20% UV
3. Polyphenols 5% ( Water-soluble,in Beverages ),coumarin nmt 800ppm
Cinnamon Bark Extract is extracted with water, evidence based effective ingredient for type 2 diabetesa. Supporting healthy glucose managementb. Helping optimize healthy cholesterol levelsc. Bolsters healthy blood pressure
Horse chestnut Extract (Aesculus hippocastanum L.),Aescin 20% By UV

(Aesculus hippocastanum L.)
Aescin 20% By UV
Horse chestnut seed extract (HCSE) is widely used in Europe for chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), a syndrome that may include leg swelling, varicose veins, leg pain, itching, and skin ulcers. Although HCSE is traditionally recommended for a variety of medical conditions, CVI is the only condition for which there is strong supportive scientific evidence.
Part Used: Seeds
chronic venous insufficiency including pain, swelling and cramps
Action: The active ingredient is aescin that reduces edema. They also have anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant properties.
Dosage: 100-150 mg P.O. daily of aescin component in one or two divided doses has been clinically tested.
Precautions/Adverse Effects: Ingestion of whole seed can be toxic. Has produced anaphylaxis and allergic responses. GI upset, twitching, weakness and dilated pupils.
Interactions with other Drugs: Anticoagulants, aspirin: increases the risk of bleeding.
Contraindications: Pregnancy/Lactation/Children. Bleeding disorders and GI conditions.
Nursing Considerations:
Tell patients it will not cure varicose veins.
Warn patients of the difference of whole horse chestnut seed – toxic and classified unsafe by the FDA. Horse chestnut seed extract has the toxic constituents removed.
Sweet chest nut is used for cooking, not the same as horse chestnut seed.
Venastat is an OTC that became available in 1998 for maintenance of leg health. It does not contain the toxic component, aesculin. It increases venous blood flow and may enhance venous tone.
Monitor liver function tests and yellowing of skin or eyes.
Warn patients that their urine may be red.
Instruct patients to report unusual bleeding, fatigue, or fever.
Tell patients to not use with OTC medications that may contain aspirin.