
Angelica Root Extract (Angelica sinensis)

Angelica Root Extract (Angelica sinensis)

Ligustilide 1% HPLC
CAS#: 8015-64-3

General Description: An aromatic root used in Oriental Medicine. It is considered in Chinese medicine as the yin. Most all-purpose herb for women.

Part Used: Root and rhizomes

hot flashes
high blood pressure
emotional discord
GI upset

Action: Produces antispasmodic effects, vasodilation, pain relief, anti-inflammatory, relaxes smooth muscle and estrogen effects ( some studies refute).

Tincture of fresh or dried roots, 10-40 drops, 1-3/day
Dried roots as infusion up to 250ml/day
Precautions/Adverse Reactions: Can be photosensitizing . May experience a laxative effect or bloating. Can cause breast tenderness.

Contraindications: Do not use in pregnancy or during lactation. The essential oil contains safrole that is carcinogenic in animals and has been banned by the FDA.

Nursing Considerations:
Do not use with Coumadin.
Watch for bleeding and fever.
Limit sun exposure due to photosensitizing properties
Use cautiously with ASA.
