
Black Cohosh Extract (Cimicifuga Racemosa)

Black Cohosh Extract (Cimicifuga Racemosa)

Triterpene Glycoside 2.5% HPLC

General Description: A member of the buttercup family, producing small white flowers.

Part Used: Rhizome

stress incontinence
excessive menstrual bleeding
hot flashes
vaginal dryness
painful menstruation
muscle spasms
general pain

Action: Suppressing luteinizing hormone, anti-inflammatory and mimetics estrogen.

Tincture 10-60 drops/day
Powdered root or tea: 1-2 grams
40-200 mg daily, use no more than 6 months

Precautions/Adverse Reactions: Hypertension, increased bleeding during menopause, headaches and rare stomach upset.

Contraindications: Do not use in pregnancy during 1st two trimesters. Do not give to children May or may not be safe with use of estrogen, more research is needed. No adverse reactions have been reported. The German Commission E does not contraindicate its use during lactation.
Nursing Considerations:
Black cohosh can potentate antihypertensive drugs thus increasing hypotension if both are used.
If women are on estrogen replacement, black cohosh may interfere with replacement therapy.
Maximum effect may take up to 4 weeks.
Black cohash is sometimes used by herbalist with blue cohash.
A recent report sites after the use of black and blue cohash together, a baby was born with asphyxia, leading to brain damage. The German Commission E recommends that black cohosh only be used for 6 months, until further testing.
